Well, we have the numbers here. That's another issue, I think.
So let's get on, then, with the business of the committee today.
We have about an hour and twenty minutes for the witnesses. We are dealing with a study of the machinery of government and the implementation of Canada's trade policy.
The Standing Committee on International Trade is undertaking a study examining the machinery of government and how we can create a better trading strategy that makes Canada more competitive internationally for our citizens and businesses. The objectives of the study are to evaluate how the machinery of government delivers trade and investment services and promotes Canadian products and businesses overseas and the idea that Canada is a marquee destination for investment.
We have two individuals as witnesses today. First is Carl Grenier, associate professor, Department of Political Science, Laval University. Thank you very much for coming today. Also here today, from the Centre for Trade Policy and Law, Carleton University, is William Dymond, senior executive fellow.
We will have your presentation of eight minutes first, and then we'll go directly to the questions.
Could you, Mr. Grenier, start with your presentation. But first of all, welcome here, and thank you for coming. Let's make the best use of this hour and twenty minutes we possibly can.