In the market access opportunities for least developed countries, which is the initiative you're referring to you that was agreed in Hong Kong, 97% was the number insisted on by two of our trading partners, the United States and Japan. That was as far as they could go in offering duty-free, quota-free access to least developed members.
For developing members as a whole, we believe the greatest gains to developing countries, aside from the least developed, are going to come from the core negotiations: agriculture, non-agriculture market access, services, trade facilitation and rules. And we believe they will realize benefits from enhanced access to both developed and other developing markets, because 70% of the trade among developing countries is with other developing countries, and they face very significant barriers in developing trade-developing measures.
The extent to which those barriers are brought down is going to be significant, but the extent of their access to developed markets is going to be very significant, if we get ambitious that it come into this round.