As relates to phytosanitary and sanitary issues, the Doha mandate does not include SPS or technical barriers to trade agreements that are WTO agreements. Not every subject within the realm of the WTO, or every agreement from the Uruguay Round outcome of the WTO, is a part of the mandate of the Doha Round negotiations. SPS and TBT are explicitly not part of the Doha mandate, so they are not being negotiated.
I could tell you more generally how the NTB negotiations are proceeding in the NAMA context. We went through a long period of issue identification, of members identifying NTBs they wanted to see addressed. Many of these NTBs fell into other negotiating areas within the mandate, such as rules, because many of them were related to anti-dumping and countervail determination. So they would be appropriately referred to that negotiating group.
Similarly, many of them had to do with border measures, such as restrictions at the border, which are being dealt with in the trade facilitation negotiation.
There were TBT and SPS and some other measures that were identified as falling outside the negotiating mandate, and they would be referred to the regular ongoing committee work of the WTO. So there is a forum for dealing with them; it's just not a negotiating forum.
Those issues, which in some sense didn't have a home but were felt to be serious non-tariff barriers by some members, are being addressed in the NAMA negotiations. Depending on the nature of the measure and how many members' interests are involved, they might be negotiated bilaterally or plurilaterally, and then brought back to the NAMA negotiations, so that the results can be multilateralized.
Or they might be dealt with by horizontal proposals. For instance, there are proposals on export taxes and restrictions. There's a proposal from the EC for a horizontal mechanism to be an ongoing alternative to dispute settlement for dealing with NTBs.
So there are a variety of issues and of ways they're being approached. As I say, some are in negotiation, some not.