Thank you.
We will begin. The meeting is in order, so we will just commence with the orders of the day.
We've done the first one, election of the chair, and if it is the wish of the committee, we can proceed to discuss agreed routine motions. Is there an interest in doing that? Have I some consensus? All right, then I'd like to proceed.
We have had distributed to us by the clerk a format for agreed routine motions. That is CIIT-39/1. Has everyone received a copy of that? If not, would the clerk see to it?
Just to be sure, we're going to issue additional copies to everyone and we'll proceed from there.
It would be my suggestion that we proceed in a clause-by-clause manner with this, following the format that has been in fact distributed by the clerk.
If that's agreeable to everybody, the first one would be services of analysts from the Library of Parliament. Can I have a motion? Okay, we have a motion to accept that one as it is. Is there any discussion?
Monsieur Cardin.