Oh, glory be. Thank you.
Just because I'm not running again, I didn't want my constituents to think I wasn't working for them and other Canadians.
This is a good motion for several reasons. First of all, colleagues, the finance committee has already agreed to undertake this, and has dedicated two meetings to it. I'm all for expressing sympathy to anybody, but the fact is that the families affected by changes in the manufacturing and forestry sector deserve more than plaintive weeping and motions such as this one, which are convoluted at best, and simply designed to gather attention at worst.
The fact of the matter is we have to be effective in representing the Canadian people, and that's what we'll do if we let the finance committee deal with this, as they've already undertaken to do. The industry committee had the same motion brought to them and established that they would not deal with it and that they would have the finance committee deal with it, and then undertake to work effectively in cooperation with their colleagues on that committee.
For us to play with this motion all day is not showing respect for the people to whom we should be showing respect. There are five parts to this motion, gentlemen, dealing with aid; safeguards; anti-dumping; and calling us to undertake a study while we are in the midst of one that we have agreed is our highest priority; and then that we should report this motion.
Now, each of these, on its own, is a complex and technical area that deserves discussion, granted; but for us to do that in this format and to expect this motion to be dealt with effectively in the time we have, and in a real way, is simply ludicrous. We are wasting our time here, and we should simply let the finance committee do the work it has undertaken to do in advance of our meeting today. This calls for us to delay for a very brief time and then to examine what they have decided to do and to build on that, working effectively with our colleagues, rather than trying to piggyback, for what purpose, I do not know.
So I strongly support the idea of tabling this, and let's get on with the work that we should be undertaking to represent the Canadian people effectively.