My response would be somewhat along the lines of Mr. Haynal's in the sense that Korea for us is a very strong and important emerging new market. There's no question that Korea is also an exporter, and exports to the Asian markets. The major market in the area is Japan.
As you say, if the business expands beyond $47 million, into the hundred millions and so forth, there's no question that this is a catalyst for countries to work together--just as for many years we've had significant exports into Denmark and now we're working with Danish companies in terms of breaking into the Chinese market, because they also had investments in terms of marketing offices in China.
So as you develop more of a continuous, reliable business relationship and expand it beyond, say, moving $15 million worth of lobsters up to $100 million worth of lobsters, that then is a basis for developing relationships with the Korean infrastructure in terms of distributions exporters and seeing how we can partner with them in terms of other markets in that area.
There's no question in my mind that once you expand to a critical mass in an area, then that can be a centre from which to expand. Right now in terms of our markets we have big sales into the United States, Europe, and Japan. So we have those relationships in Japan, but everybody's exporting into Japan because that's the major seafood market. What we have to do is expand our exports into, for example, Singapore, which is then also very much a distribution centre for the ASEAN countries and things of that nature.
So you're quite right, it opens up that opportunity to explore, just what you're talking about.