To answer your question, we see opportunities in Korea, particularly for a shell-on shrimp product and also a cooked-and-peeled product.
If in fact there was free trade, and it looked like a 0% tariff, as opposed to 27%, I would see a good bit of receptivity with respect to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada working with us on a project. That's provided the industry is prepared to put up at least 25%, and if the provinces don't come in, then 50%. It's there, and it's a good program. And it's a program that I can see being linked into....
If Canada is going to proceed with respect to free trade agreements with what I call not traditional markets, such as the European Union, the United States, and so forth, but in new markets and new opportunities, it would be a nice idea to tie in those types of programs with those types of initiatives.