We're looking at this as just another nail in the coffin for an industry that's been struggling for the last 30 or 40 years in this country because of a lack of true, clear policy for the industry.
The criminal part of this whole agreement and of the agreements that have already been done, in my view, is that we're setting up trade agreements with countries that have already done what we have not done: they've set forth an avenue to protect their industries, whether it's the shipbuilding industry, the manufacturing industry, or agriculture. They've structured themselves so that they have a protective nature.
Canada, for whatever reason, has decided it doesn't want to go down that path. We're still covered by three oceans, as I said in my presentation. We have more water than land. We have no infrastructure to protect that. If we don't find a way, before we sign these trade agreements, to hang on to this industry and protect it in the future, there'll be no industry left to worry about. As I said, all of our vessels will have to go offshore for repair and refit, and we won't have to worry about building, because there'll be no industry left to build.
If we look at the industry today, we're a third of the size we could be, as I said in my presentation. We're not really a growing industry. We're a shrinking industry because of policy that's been put forth and policy that's out there. There's far too much grey hair in this industry. If we don't find a way to get young people back into this industry and get the apprenticeships and training going, there'll be nothing left in a few short years.
I see this agreement as nothing but bad news for the industry I come from and represent. Minister Tobin had us going down the right path. We were headed in the right direction to put a policy agreement together for the industry that would take it into the future. But for whatever reason, that's been stopped.