Terrific, thank you very much.
I don't have a lot of time, so I'll move on to Mr. Moynahan. You're quite right to be concerned about the possible impacts of a free trade agreement with South Korea. We certainly saw with Liechtenstein and the European Free Trade Association that they were able to out-negotiate our negotiators, and our ship-building industry is going to be profoundly hurt as a result.
I wanted to ask you and Mr. Westcott and Mr. Khan about the alternative--that is, rather than rushing ahead with a poorly crafted agreement, we should be looking at substantial investments in product promotion overseas. Canada does a very poor job at that. We invest about a dollar for every $100 the Australians invest in promoting products and services abroad.
I'd like to hear from you to what extent the federal government has supported the mouldmakers in exporting overseas. Have you received any sort of promotional budget, any sort of concrete federal government support?
I'd like to ask Mr. Westcott and Mr. Khan the same questions.