With respect to the issue of consultations, certainly the ones I was involved in--but as I said, we did a range of them, and some of these will have gone back 10 years--I'm not sure anybody, even in this room, was involved in some of the early ones. But certainly the ones I was involved in, were there people who were telling us to go away and cease and desist? Yes. Other people were telling us to get rid of this 25% tariff as quickly as possible because it was proving to be a detriment to their business operation. And there were people in between saying they could live with it. They didn't mind our getting rid of it, but we should phase it out over a certain period of time.
So as I said, what we needed to do, working as a team including our colleagues from Industry Canada, was listen to the various voices involved with this and get a good sense of what they were thinking and try to find a way through this very tricky file. But if there's a unanimous voice going one way, frankly, that's easier to deal with than when the voices are coming from all sides, because then you have to sit down and try to see what makes the most sense from a policy perspective that might not be perfect to anybody but will give you a satisfactory way of working your way through a difficult file.