We didn't do an economic analysis per se. Instead, we sat down and consulted with the industries, because it wasn't just the ship industries. We had thorough consultations with the industries throughout this period.
With respect to the shipbuilding industry per se, consultations had begun in the late 1990s. Since late 2005 we, along with our colleagues from Industry Canada and others, held roughly 12 consultation meetings with various shipbuilding industry representatives in various combinations and fora—together as a group with owners, builders, and others, as well as a lot of one-on-one or group discussions—trying to make sure we had a thorough sense of the concerns the industry had in this area.
Those concerns are reflected in annex F, which sets out the terms of the agreement in the ship areas and identifies which ones are eligible for the up-to-15-year phase-out and which ones are 10. We feel very confident that the consultation process we did gave us a very strong understanding of the concerns of the industry, of where their wiggle room was, and of what their long-term planning was as an industry.