With respect to the first part of your question, just so it's clear, for the most sensitive—which are things like ferries, cruise ships, offshore supply ships, and lakers—if you look at annex F, you will see a table, and these are all referred to as B15. For those products that are covered by B15, the tariffs shall be gradually eliminated, in 13 equal annual reductions, beginning three years after the date of entry into force of the agreement. In this case, 15 years after the entry into force, the customs duties would be completely eliminated.
Likewise for B10, it will be eight equal annual reductions, beginning three years after the date of entry. Therefore, 10 years after the entry into force, you'd have the complete elimination.
With respect to your comment about whether this is a relatively short period of time, as I said, this is certainly, by far, the longest that we've ever had in a free trade agreement. If you look at other agreements, including WTO or whatever, you will see that 15 years certainly ranks right up there as a significant amount of protection, from that perspective.
The other side of your question relates more to the policies that the government is involved with, with respect to the domestic shipbuilding policy, and I think this would be better asked of our colleagues at Industry Canada.
There are issues or things out there, such as the renewal of the structured financing facility, and in addition, the government announced in its latest budget that it will be buying a new polar icebreaker. But in terms of the extent of the various elements that you may be looking at, I would recommend that you get in touch with our colleagues at Industry Canada, because they're best placed to give you a thorough assessment of what else is out there. Our focus is, frankly, on the terms of these agreements, and they may be doing things that we're just not even aware of.