I'll let Ton speak to the subsidy issue. And further to the discussion with Mr. Julian, I think we also have a bit more clarity of information here.
The major trading partner for EFTA is the EU. For the processed agricultural products covered in the agreement and set out in annex G, this will definitely give our exporters an advantage. An MFN “forward”, to use some jargon here, is that any time the EFTA countries would give a benefit to the EU, we would automatically gain that same benefit as part of the treaty. So we would hope that this would give some of our industries an advantage in that area.
In discussions of this agreement with some of our trade commissioners in the EFTA markets, in particular in Switzerland, they have noted that improved access to the EFTA market will give an opportunity for Canadian business to sort of trial-market products in a European country to see if they work. It could be in packaging or it could be in seeing whether the product connects with a European audience. If it works with Switzerland, then, given the similarities with other markets, it might embolden a Canadian exporter to take on a larger European market, such as the EU.
So I think there are commercial tangible and intangible benefits with respect to the EU. The other thing, obviously, is that you get into this whole concept of global value chains. You might be able to join up in a commercial activity that's part of a larger process. If it's either coming out of the EU towards Canada or vice versa, through the EFTA, you might find that there are opportunities to take advantage of there.
With respect to the industrial area in terms of economic impact....
I'm going to have to look for the number; I'm not sure where it is right now.
At any rate, the impact for the EFTA on the industrial side will probably be less than on the agricultural side. In large part, many of the industrial tariffs in these four countries were already relatively low. The products that we have identified are the ones that might have been facing tariffs....
Just a second, I can give you some exact numbers.
In Switzerland, 18% of non-agricultural tariff lines were duty-free; 70% in Iceland; and 94% in Norway. We're working with those numbers in terms of potential access.
In terms of the product range where we think there might be some benefits--some of these I've already mentioned--in Switzerland we're looking at cosmetics, aluminum bars, something called tufted carpets, and some apparel items.
With respect to Iceland, you have prefabricated buildings, cathode ray tubes, steel structures, aluminum structures, doors and windows, and cold-water shrimp.
Again, in Norway you have apparel, in part because so many of their duties were already at zero.
You really have to go through each of the products, and each industry, each sector, is going to have to look at this and make its own judgment as to how significant a difference this makes to its ability to compete in that particular market.
The final point I wrote down was your first point, which was linked to the whole shipbuilding policy more generally. As I said, I think I would suggest that those questions be posed to our colleagues in Industry Canada, because they know the shipbuilding framework against which we've been operating.