Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee.
I have with me the lead negotiators on environment and labour, as well as other experts. We look forward to responding to your questions on the Canada-Colombia free trade negotiations. I understand that the subject of today’s session is how human rights and the environment will be addressed in these negotiations.
As this committee is aware, FTAs are commercial instruments aimed at expanding trade and investment opportunities between nations. This economic expansion promotes growth and prosperity. Most evidence shows that open economies have higher growth rates and can achieve faster rates of poverty elimination.
As noted by the Prime Minister in Santiago, Canada is re-engaging in the Americas, and bolstering international trade is the best hope for fostering development and common security. This objective is being pursued through negotiations like the FTA with Colombia and Peru.
You heard Ambassador Jaime Girón Duarte on Monday. He clearly set out the importance of the FTA for Colombia, highlighting the fact that the FTA would provide secure market access for exports, thereby promoting alternatives to the illegal drug trade, which has been at the root of many problems in Colombia, including those respecting human rights and security. Providing new opportunities for its citizens is a key factor behind Colombia’s ambitious free trade agenda, which currently includes the United States, the European Union, EFTA, Mexico, and Chile.
The efforts in these negotiations are also consistent with the recommendations made by the committee in its recent report entitled “Ten Steps to a Better Trade Policy”, namely, to create new opportunities for Canadian business and prevent Canada from being shut out of markets where our trade competitors are negotiating FTAs.
The defensive objective is of particular importance in the case of Peru and Colombia, since Canada’s main competitor in these markets, the United States, has already completed FTA negotiations. Peru has already passed in the United States and the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement is currently before Congress for decision.
Colombia is an important export market and investment destination for a number of Canadian businesses. These businesses will be placed at a disadvantage once the U.S. deal is passed. For example, Canada could face a 15% disadvantage on $100 million in wheat exports currently shipped to Colombia.
Colombia represents a market of 45 million. Under its current leadership, sound economic policy and improved security have generated favourable economic conditions. Colombia has experienced strong and sustained GDP growth in recent years, averaging 6.5% in the last three years, with relatively low inflation.
Stronger demand has resulted in import growth, which has been beneficial to Canadian exporters. Total Canadian exports to that country are now valued at $660 million. This is more than double the value of five years ago. Colombia continues to be an important market for Canadian products of traditional export interest, such as wheat, barley, leguminous vegetables, fertilizers, and paper products. It is fast becoming an important market for more advanced manufactured products.
Canadian investment in Colombia’s extractive sector are estimated by our embassy to be more than $2 billion, and these investments have led the way to growing exports of Canadian-made machinery, such as mining equipment and heavy transportation equipment. For example, Colombia is now the first destination, ahead of the U.S., for Canadian exports of off-highway dump trucks.
Despite the great commercial opportunities, there remain important commercial barriers that continue to limit the engagement of Canadian exporters and investors. For example, Colombia maintains sizable tariffs on most Canadian exports—averaging 12% and ranging as high as 80% for some agricultural products. In comparison, the majority of Canadian imports from Colombia can enter duty-free. In 2007, 80% of Colombia exports to Canada actually entered duty-free. The Canada-Colombia FTA would establish a more equitable balance for Canadian exporters.
Let me now give you a quick update on the status of these negotiations. Although the Peru and Colombia negotiations were launched at the same time and most meetings were held jointly, the negotiations were intended from the start to lead to two distinct FTAs: a Canada-Peru FTA, and a Canada-Colombia FTA. In fact, as members of this committee know, the Peru negotiation is now completed. This was announced by Minister Emerson and Minister Araoz on January 26 in Davos.
The negotiations with Colombia are ongoing. So far, good progress has been made on most issues, but some areas require further discussion prior to our being able to bring the negotiations to a successful conclusion.
With Colombia we are seeking a comprehensive, high-quality free trade agreement. Coverage will include trade in goods, services, investment, government procurement, dispute settlement, and institutional provisions.
In keeping with Canada's past approach to FTA negotiations, environmental and labour aspects of economic integration will be addressed through the negotiation of side agreements that will be directly linked to the FTA.
As well, in these negotiations we are looking to establish new avenues for cooperation, including with respect to corporate social responsibility and capacity-building through cooperation commitments.
On the environment, Canada is seeking to ensure that increased economic activity generated through the FTA does not result in less environmental protection and that Canada's trade partners do not lower their standards of enforcement to attract investment. To achieve this we are negotiating a side agreement that promotes high levels of environmental protection. Such side agreements normally commit parties to effectively enforce their environmental laws and maintain appropriate procedures to conduct environmental impact assessments.
On labour, Canada's objectives are to assist Colombia in building a stronger and more stable economy by improving working conditions and respect for worker rights and by requiring that Colombia's laws reflect internationally recognized core labour principles and that these laws be effectively enforced.
Recognizing that Canada's corporate presence in Colombia is largely concentrated in the extractive sectors and that corporate practices can have an important impact on local communities, our FTA negotiations have included discussions on how governments and industry can work together in the area of corporate social responsibility. Our investors in these countries are very active on this front, and many have been recognized for their CSR efforts. These discussions will be reflected in commitments to promote recognized principles of reasonable business conduct in appropriate sections of the FTA.
I think that provides a quick overview on the issues. Thank you, Mr. Chair. My team and I are ready to answer any questions you may have.