Thank you.
I obviously can't speak to any particular operation or firm. I know there was recent information about one incident that I think you may be referring to. But in any case, with Canadian investments—and I think you're going to be speaking to the investors, and this is a good question to ask them—we expect investors to adhere to good standards, high standards of corporate social responsibility, and all evidence to us is that they are. In fact, there have been leaders in Colombia. Some have been internationally recognized for their efforts.
They are, first and foremost, expected to follow the laws of the land in terms of requirements in Colombia for property rights, environmental laws, and labour laws. But also we expect them to adhere to higher standards such as those that are promoted under the multinational enterprises, the guidelines of the OECD, and the Global Compact, and we're working through our embassy with them.
But I can tell you that most industries realize they have to be accountable. Globalization has required that they be accountable for their activities everywhere. It can negatively affect their brand and their share prices.
In Colombia, once they're there, they have to make a large commitment. Evidence is that they are making that commitment. The communities in particular are important. In some cases they have to convince people who are involved in the drug trade that they would prefer to work in their operations. It's a large commitment, and it's an effort that involves activities on all fronts, as I indicated: working with the community, working with the regional government, working with the unions. It's a comprehensive effort. It has to be.