I think it's difficult for the market access negotiating team to address broadly that question. As I said, our mandate is to get an overall free trade agreement, which is a framework, let's face it, that at the heart of it cuts import taxes. Obviously, for Canada, we include other key elements, and two of those key elements, which you raised, are environment and labour agreements, broadly.
Certainly business decisions are business decisions, and all a free trade agreement is, in fact, is an agreement that will reduce and eliminate customs duties and make other market access and other labour and environmental commitments between governments. Nobody, obviously, is going to force business into a market they don't want to be in. All we can do is set the framework through this free trade agreement.
There certainly is commercial interest from Canadian industries in the area and from Canadian investors, and in fact internationally. I can bring you quotations from The Economist that things are improving overall in Colombia. That's certainly leading to an influx of investment, which is helping to raise standards of living. A commitment to market openness will further enhance this, and that's one of the overall objectives of free trade and committing to open markets.