Welcome to the 28th meeting in this session of Parliament. The Standing Committee on International Trade is continuing its discussion of free trade negotiations between Canada and Colombia, with a focus on how environmental impacts and human rights concerns are addressed in trade agreements.
We have two groups of witnesses today. We're going to begin when everyone is seated. We'll probably go for about 55 minutes and then take a brief break before we begin the second round.
I'll begin by introducing our guests. We have John Masswohl, from the Canadian Cattlemen's Association; it's nice to see you back again, John. From the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, we have Bob Friesen; and from the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers' Association, we have Bruce Webster. I think they all have something specific to say, so I'm going to ask them all to give a brief opening statement, and then we will go to questioning. We'll probably get through at least one round and hopefully two.
I don't think we have any other business. Is there anything else we need to deal with today?
Very well, we'll begin. I'm going to ask Bob Friesen from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture to begin.
Mr. Friesen, the floor is yours.