Thank you, Mr. Friesen and Mr. Julian.
With that, we'll conclude this round of witnesses. Unfortunately, we are out of time and we have another group waiting to come in.
I thank you again for your appearance, your preparation, and your answers. I hope we'll see you again soon.
We'll suspend for a minute while we change the name tags.
Okay, we're going to begin. I'll ask all of you to take your seats. While members are getting back to their seats, let me introduce our next round of witnesses, who are familiar to most of us here. I'll start with Mr. Gerry Barr, president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Council for International Cooperation. With him today is Gauri Sreenivasan, senior policy analyst for International Trade. Also presenting today and available for questions is Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty International.
I understand, Mr. Barr, that you're going to lead and Gauri is going to follow you with a brief comment.