I don't think I'm the right person to provide a lot of insight into the union business in Colombia. I will say this. We jointly operate a field with the state oil company, Ecopetrol. Ecopetrol's field operators are unionized under something called USO. We have great relationships with them. It's not my impression that they're a bunch of hard-line guys trying to make some changes. But there have been times in the past when certain unions have been involved in fairly nasty sabotage operations, and there have been corporate fights and so forth.
I think if you look into the history of any industrialized country, there's been a stage where the union movement has gone through a phase like that, and I believe Colombia has gone through a phase like that as well.
As far as linking it back to the drug trade or to some of the illegal elements of society there, I can't imagine that there wouldn't be a statistical relationship, because there'd be a statistical relationship between almost any group of people and that group in society. So there probably is one, but I'm not the guy to make that assessment.