Let's do it that way. Thanks, Mr. Julian.
If you wouldn't mind, Mr. Keddy, we'll just defer your discussion of this until we've heard from the witnesses, and then pick it up again at 5:20.
We will proceed with our witnesses for today.
Today we have, from Peace Brigades International, Gilles-Philippe Pagé, the Colombia Project; from the Canadian Foundation for the Americas, Alexa Barrera and Vladimir Torres, who will speak to the committee; from the United Steelworkers, Roger Falconer, department leader, organizing and strategic campaigns department; and from Enbridge Inc. in Calgary, Leigh Cruess, senior vice-president international, and D'Arcy Levesque, vice-president, public and government affairs.
Welcome to you all. I think you're all familiar with the process. We'll get opening comments from you. Since there are four of you and we're starting 40 minutes late, I'm going to ask you to keep it as tight as possible, and then we'll move directly to questions. We'll try to get through a round of questions in the traditional manner, but we'll have to judge when we've heard from you just how much time we'll have for the committee to ask questions.
First we'll have Gilles-Philippe Pagé from Peace Brigades International.