We'll come to order. This is meeting 35 of the Standing Committee on International Trade.
Today the scheduled topic is Bill C-55, An Act to implement the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the States of the European Free Trade Association, the Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Republic of Iceland, the Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Kingdom of Norway, and the Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Swiss Confederation.
We're to hear witnesses today.
We have, from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, David Plunkett, director general, bilateral and regional trade policy; Marvin Hildebrand, director, bilateral market access; and Ton Zuijdwijk, general counsel, trade law bureau. From the Department of Finance, we have Christine Wiecek, senior economist, tariffs and market access; and from the Department of Industry, Chummer Farina, director general, aerospace, defence and marine branch. And from the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, we have Chantal Sicotte, senior trade policy analyst (Europe), eastern hemisphere trade policy, market and industry services branch.
It would be my suggestion that we hear from the witnesses. Should there be any other business or points of order, we wouldn't keep our witnesses here.
It looks like we're going to have a point of order, in any event.
Mr. Bains.