Thank you for your question.
Let me stress first that I think this deal is good for all of Canada. There are special benefits to B.C. and the west, because of the potential advantages for the resource sector. You've already mentioned forestry. Wheat, certainly, and seafood products would be another area where Korean tariffs are very high, and the elimination of those tariffs will give greater access for Canadian companies.
Of course, if they don't get the deal, they will be disadvantaged, vis-à-vis not just Americans, who may have the privileged access, but other countries that have negotiated free trade agreements with Korea, including Chile and ASEAN countries.
But I want to stress also that the long-term benefits of a free trade agreement with Korea, and the gains for Canada, will accrue mostly not to the resource sector but to the financial services sector and to the other service industries, such as cultural industries and IT and technology sectors, which are very important in B.C. and in the west but also in Ontario and Quebec.
So whether you keep your eye on the short term or on the long term, I think this is a good deal for Canada.