I would make a similar point. We also participated in that ad hoc consultative committee, and we appreciated the information exchange. But it would be completely misleading and wrong for anyone to suggest that as a result of the actions of that consultative committee, the government has been listening, incorporating, and responding to the concerns of the auto industry.
We also made several suggestions through that committee on how these negotiations should be handled. We gave proposals to exclude the auto sector from the free trade agreement, given how unbalanced our trade with Korea already is; establish a commitment to two-way trade in automotive if trade is going to expand with Korea, so they have to buy as much from us as we buy from them in the auto industry and other strategic components; and even just establish quantitative targets, whereby the Koreans have to demonstrate by their purchases from us that they are opening their market before tariffs would fall on our side.
All of those suggestions have gone absolutely nowhere with the government. We appreciate the two-way communications, but I have no indication whatsoever that they're listening to the auto industry's concerns.