Similarly, our union recognizes that our auto industry today wouldn't exist as it does without trade. We need trade. We need to position ourselves globally. We need to have exports and then, of course, we need imports as well. So we're all in favour of expanding trade. We're also very much in favour of diversifying our exports away from the U.S. market, where we've put so many of our eggs in the past.
We need to be exporting to those high-growth markets, but with respect to the proposals we've put forward to the government for a way to expand trade, the volume of trade, but in a two-way direction, the government people threw up their hands and said, well, you want quantitative targets and that's not free trade. The things we're proposing the government is ruling out of bounds, and if they're all out of bounds, then what they want for a free trade agreement means more access to our market, no strings attached, and we will not support that. It has to be two-way and it has to be fair.