Let me start from the parts side. First of all, as our wage rates are substantially higher than Korea's, it's very difficult to export to Korea. For parts, it's difficult to do that, so we'll only get them exported if they go in finished vehicles. To have a competitively priced product to service Korea, there will be a relatively small number.
We can do that. We can do that now with various parts, but the Koreans won't let us. They have non-tariff barriers. They make life so difficult that people don't buy our product. I think 5,000 or 6,000 foreign vehicles were bought in Korea, in a more-than-a-million-car market. Now, that's not by accident. That doesn't happen because things look bad; it happens because the government has a very firm and very strategic policy to make sure foreign vehicles don't get bought in Korea or imported into Korea. Until they stop doing that, we'll get zero benefit out of a free trade agreement with them. They've been doing it for years, and they're not about to stop. That's what they do, and unless you say, “We won't sign until you get rid of these barriers”, they're not going to stop. They couldn't care less.
So I think we have to be really hard on them and tell them, “Don't do it,” and “Nothing happens until you stop”. It's pretty simple.
Then I'll tell you my real opinion later.