We're going to reconvene. The situation apparently is that we're have technical difficulties at the other end of this call. We may be able to get Mr. Stanford by video; I think they're going to try to do it by teleconferencing. We may have simultaneous video, or we may just get him by conference. I'm not sure how that's going to work.
If there isn't any objection, we could still go ahead. Are we ready to go with that?
They're not quite ready on the teleconferencing, so we are going to reconvene for the second part and that is committee business, notices of motion. Mr. Epp is now duly signed in, replacing Mr. Pallister.
Essentially, to answer your question, the whip tells me that he is acting for Mr. Pallister and that's just fine. Mr. Julian, I'm responding to your question about whether or not an alternate member who's representing another member can move a motion on his behalf, and the answer is yes.
Mr. Epp.