Good morning Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen.
We are happy to be here today to present the views of the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec on the proposed Canada-South Korea Free Trade Agreement. We thank you for this invitation.
First of all, allow me to say a few brief words about the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec. It is a non-profit organization representing 50,000 engineers in Quebec who work in all fields of engineering. The organization's mission is to serve its members' common interests, and to that end, our organization promotes the interests of engineers and engineering students and provides them with career-related services as well as commercial advantages.
As regards public affairs, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec is very interested in the pressures of globalization and their impact. We have conducted two very important studies in this area, relating specifically to engineers' work. Our presentation to you today on the possibility of a Canada-South Korea free trade agreement is based on the conclusions and guideposts from these studies.
By way of background, our organization released a previously unpublished study on the relocation of engineering jobs in Quebec in November 2006. Recently, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec has released a second study dealing with the future of the Quebec industrial sector, and we would be pleased to discuss it with you at another time.
The Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec agrees with the principle of signing free trade agreements. Engineers believe that Canada and Quebec have more to gain than to lose from globalization. That goes without saying, provided that openness is balanced, in other words, provided that efforts to develop our economy are consistent with efforts to make our companies more competitive. Moreover—and this is what our studies show—if we cannot escape a more globalized economy, then we must attempt to get as much as we can out of it.
Having said that, engineers are practical people who, when doing their jobs, must know where they are going in order to achieve the desired results. That is precisely why we are proposing, among other things, the implementation of a strong and consistent industrial policy in Quebec, with specific objectives, so that the industrial sector can adapt more quickly to the crisis we are currently facing.
As regards the proposed Canada-South Korea free trade agreement, engineers are asking themselves why Canada would want to sign an agreement with this country, at this time. Apart from the principle that market openness through freer trade is beneficial for the economies involved, what is the federal government's overall action plan for increasing foreign market openness for our companies, and is it consistent?
Part of the answer lies in the government's economic plan entitled Advantage Canada. A key component of that plan is the Global Commerce Strategy, and in reading it, we can see that the strategy aims to wrap up free trade negotiations that are currently underway, as well as to conclude regional bilateral trade agreements, ideally with our NAFTA partners.
Last June, Canada signed a free trade agreement with the members of the European Free Trade Association: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Sweden. It was the first free trade agreement Canada has signed in six years. Canada has also launched negotiations to liberalize trade with Columbia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. It is undertaking or pursuing similar discussions with Central American countries including El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, as well as with Caricom countries. Canada hopes to conclude free trade agreements with South Korea and Singapore; it is negotiating investment protection agreements with China and India; and it had begun negotiations along the same lines with Vietnam and Indonesia.
In short, given these facts, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec concludes that the government's global vision for opening markets for Canadian companies is to pursue what is already underway and continue to pursue freer trade relations with interested countries, ideally on our continent. Although engineers feel that is a good idea, it is not enough. In our view, it is important to place greater priority on countries or regions where Canada should undertake or pursue free trade agreements, with a view to helping our companies adapt to the current economic context. Might I remind you that over the past five years, one out of every five jobs lost in Quebec has been in the manufacturing sector.
Furthermore, upon completing our study on the future of the industrial sector, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec identified two priorities for expanding trade for our companies.
The first involves facilitating trade in Canada, to increase market access for companies in this sector. Too many interprovincial barriers remain today.
Secondly, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec believes that Canada should make it a priority to actively pursue negotiations to establish a free trade agreement with the European Union. We fully agree with Premier Charest's request for and action toward achieving such an agreement. The European market is one of the largest and richest in the world. Demand for foreign products is high, and an agreement could lead to a yearly increase in Canadian exports of some $2.4 billion. Moreover, such an agreement could develop high level jobs and better enable our companies to compete in emerging markets. But there again, payroll taxes, environmental costs and wages in the European Union are similar to what they are here.
As we have seen in the past, our companies can compete with others when on a level playing field. To avoid unfair competition, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec recommends that the federal government not liberalize trade with countries that gain an undue economic advantage by failing to respect the environment, human rights, workers' rights—including exploiting child labour—freedom of association, intellectual property and the fight against counterfeit goods.
South Korea is considered the 11th economic power of the world and is no longer associated with developing nations, but with developed ones. What's more, in terms of respect for human and other rights, we cannot accuse it of not respecting basic standards. however, the question remains: Why should Canada still go ahead with a free trade agreement with this country?
On April 2, 2007, the United States and Korea signed a free trade agreement which was the most significant one for the United States since NAFTA. Canada has a free trade agreement with the United States, our largest trading partner. Logic would have it that Canada should proceed with a free trade agreement with South Korea. Canada is currently trailing the United States. If nothing is done, that will eventually give American companies a major economic advantage over Canadian ones in the Korean market. However, this situation is putting considerable pressure on Canadian negotiators, because if Canada were to sign a free trade agreement with South Korea, it would have to be at least as good as the one signed by the United States and Korea.
Economically speaking, several questions linger as to whether Canada should sign a free trade agreement with South Korea. The key is whether such a free trade agreement is in our interest, namely in the interest of the industrial sector. According to Statistics Canada, between 1994 and 2003, Canada had a negative trade balance with South Korea. In proportion to the total value of trade in goods with South Korea, the trade deficit went from 6% in 1994 to 46% in 2003, and the gap continues to widen. It increased by 68% between 1998 and 2006, when it hit $2.5 billion. Even with trade entry barriers, Korean products easily enter the Canadian market. At the same time, however, our products are having difficulty entering the Korean market.
Opening markets at this point would logically lead to an increase in Korean imports. The majority of products shipped to Canada by South Korean companies are high value-added ones like cars, televisions, VCRs, household appliances and semi-conductors. We purchase their highly manufactured products; whereas for the most part, the Koreans buy wood pulp, coal and aluminum from us. These are raw or virtually raw materials with much less value added. We are already losing in the exchange in terms of quality, as we sell less, and in terms of value added, as we sell fewer value-added goods.
That raises important questions. Why are our companies selling less in Korea than the Korean companies are selling here? Why are we not selling higher value-added products? We must change this situation and work with our companies so that they are more present in Korea and elsewhere in the world. To do that, we must increase support for our companies.
Among other things, we must increase the number of exporters, as well as the quality, value, diversity and frequency of their exports. That will require a general increase in productivity in our factories. Our companies also need a common vision for development that includes a consistent and strong industrial policy, the extension of which could ripple through our international trade.
Concluding a free trade agreement with South Korea does not, however, mean that Canada will be able to rest on its laurels. On the contrary, it will have to keep an eye on its Korean partner. At present, Korea does not have a good reputation in terms of openness to foreign products and free trade. If does not want trade to be a one-way street, from Korea to Canada, Canada will have to ensure that Korea changes its current behaviour.
The 2007 Index of Economic Freedom ranks South Korea 89th in terms of free trade, behind countries like Kenya, Mongolia and Burma. The report makes the following statement about free trade in South Korea:
South Korea's weighted average tariff rate was 7.9 percent in 2005. Prohibitive tariffs, non-transparent and restrictive regulations and standards, import restrictions, import taxes, weak enforcement of intellectual property rights, export subsidies, and services market access barriers add to the cost of trade.
Weak enforcement for intellectual property affects us as engineers, as we are at the heart of developing innovative ideas.
Moreover, comparatively speaking, Canada ranks fifth in free trade out of 157 countries surveyed by the index. Having a free trade agreement that eliminates tariffs is fine and well, but if non-tariff barriers remain, and Korea does not adhere to the spirit of free trade, companies here will not benefit from it.
In conclusion, the Réseau des ingénieurs du Québec is neither opposed to the idea of a free trade area, nor opposed to a free trade agreement with South Korea. However, Quebec engineers believe that a free trade agreement with South Korea should meet certain conditions, including: that it be part of a more specific vision for Canada in terms of liberalizing trade internationally; that it be as advantageous as or more advantageous than the free trade agreement signed by Korea and the United States; that it include commitments from Korea to eliminate trade barriers to ensure that the spirit and letter of the agreement are respected; and that it be accompanied by a formal commitment by the government to provide more support for Canadian companies, particularly ones in the industrial sector, so that they can develop greater international market presence.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman