If I may, I would like to add something.
We need to view the trade balance of Canada or of Quebec in its entirety. Overall, we want to export more than we import. In Canada especially, since we have a small economy, we need to trade with the rest of the world in order to maintain our standard of living. I am convinced that we need to intensify international trade if our nation wants to remain prosperous.
However, when it comes to individual countries, we need to understand what type of trade is involved. Overall, you need to export more than you import. Unfortunately, I believe that Quebec, for the past four years, has been importing more than it exports.
In Canada, we still have a positive trade balance, but it is shrinking year after year. There are nevertheless some business opportunities with respect to certain countries. For example, are we importing components or raw materials to which we add value, which enables us to export products to the United States, Europe or elsewhere in the world? This is the type of trade where we can run up a trade deficit with one country because it enables us to conduct even more significant trade with another country.
This is how we have to analyze or examine the issue.