Est-ce que je peux répondre?
We hear this a lot, that we should be exporting and we should be producing value-added as opposed to non-value-added. I think it's a bit of a dead end, in a way. For example, if you look at the forest products industry, it's one of the most capital-intensive industries in the country. It's one of the most productive industries in the country, and it's one of the industries that pay the highest wages in the country. So what's that telling us? It's telling us that while what we are exporting is primary products, we are the best in the world at doing it.
I think that is probably the critical factor. Where are our comparative advantages, and where will those comparative advantages be in the future? I don't think it's a trade-off between value-added or not value-added. It may be a mixture of both, but it's not really on a continuum from positive to negative or negative to positive. We can see right now the value that natural resources are bringing to our economy in terms of investment, ancillary industries, high productivity, high-wage employment. I think we have to build on that as well as building on our value-added sectors.