I'm glad that some have been consulted. I think that is a step in the right direction.
The major issue, and all of you have alluded to it in some respect and have expressed concern, is around market access. That seems to be the fundamental issue with this potential free trade agreement. That seems to be the key issue.
Mr. Laurin, you mentioned that you had many members who have had experiences where they've faced non-tariff barrier issues. You said you could provide a more detailed list, because the one you provide in your package is high level...some of the concerns you addressed.
It would be appreciated if you could comment on it, and if you could also provide a detailed list of specific examples of companies or examples of businesses that have encountered non-tariff barriers or other obstacles in terms of being able to access the Korean market. It gives us a better understanding of some of the experiences that companies are going through.
Could you share, and talk about some of those experiences the members have expressed?