First, let's say that the popularity of Mr. Uribe, in my view, can be explained by his political savvy. I don't want to mention names, but you will know that there have been heads of state in the history of humanity that have committed horrible things, and at the time they did have the support of their citizens. That in itself, that type of support, doesn't mean that you are right.
The second thing that is very clear is that part of the interest of Colombia in signing other agreements or negotiating FTAs with other countries is that it's a way of getting an absolution, a pardon from Canadians and so on--absolution that is not being given by the Democrats in the U.S.
So you do have an ethical problem that you have to resolve, in fact. You have to see what position you will take. Will you take a position so as to quantify these horrors in Colombia, and then when it comes to making financial decisions you say, “Business is business. Let's proceed. Some large Canadian companies will make a profit, so let's take advantage of the circumstances”? That's an ethical dilemma that you do have to solve yourselves. But I can assure you that if you decide to back the FTA, those who approve it will be questioned, here and everywhere, because facts are facts.
I would like to repeat that the Colombian government would not pass a test when it comes to democratic guarantees. It's obvious also, and you can see very clearly, that the land is being concentrated by means of violence in the hands of criminals. Many are paramilitaries who have used violence in order to take over the land, and there is no action being taken by the Government of Colombia that can actually reverse that situation in any way.
There are so many millions of displaced people, people in the country who have had to leave their lands because of the violence that is essentially directed at displacing them. Statistics speak for themselves. The Government of Colombia not only does not act to correct this, but more than once has tried to facilitate the legalization of these lands that have been, of course, obtained by illegal instruments.
Now, regarding the false positives in numbers--