Well, there's no question we do. We believe very strongly in diversifying our markets. As Ted has said, on some of the products, the loins go one place, the hams go somewhere, the bacon and offal go somewhere else. It's really important that we have many markets. It's costly to promote those markets. As you see, our budget is very small.
We have asked the Minister of Agriculture, and we would certainly ask you to support that, about developing a legacy fund, if you will, where the pork industry does have access to significant dollars to help diversify. Then even something like COOL won't be quite as damaging as it is today. We think that's really important.
On the bilateral agreements, the EU, you mentioned, and others--Colombia, Peru, Korea--absolutely we need to push them. I know it's been said before, but we cannot be shy there as well. We have to understand what beef and pork and grains do for the developing of our GDP in Canada. We can't let some of the industries that want to limit access to trade harm our interest.
We don't want to harm supply management, but we can't be harmed at the same time, so it works both ways. You have to fight for us--those of us who create jobs in this country--and what we do. So I think that is really important.
Then, of course, the money crunch is a bit of an issue. It has been for people trying to export out of Canada right now. If we can help, especially in developing countries, for the Canadian Export Development Bank or whatever group that is, so that they do give access to funds, we can continue to market around the world.