You are right. Agri-Traçabilité Québec is in a position to work with Canada as a whole. We can even provide services worldwide.
I would insert a note of caution, however. A traceability system is not just a database. The central database could serve Canada as a whole, just like it currently serves the Quebec government, to ensure that herd health itself is monitored, regulations are complied with, and crises can be managed.
But we must not forget that traceability is a very demanding process for the industry, and that the industry needs to be provided with support. That is what the ATQ team does for all agricultural producers in Quebec, as well as for all stakeholders affected by the regulations, including slaughterhouses, shippers and the entire agri-food chain.
Thus, we can provide a food safety guarantee because of our database, and we can share our expertise. However, there will also have to be a number of teams able to provide support. That is why I talked about splitting Canada into two or three parts. This does not really mean separating the country into different parts, it just means ensuring that this system can be efficient and take in all the data. Because one day we will need that data, and the system will have to be efficient.