Thank you. I appreciate that, because as a committee we're now dealing with some of the chapter 11 lawsuits that have been brought forward. The Province of Quebec basically put legislation in place to ban a very toxic product, and as a result, the company is now suing for compensation. So it's important to note that the concept of indirect expropriation is actually in the agreement.
There's the very controversial case of the privatization of social security in Peru. If the Peruvian government moved to follow the will of their population and rendered public the privatization of social security, under the chapter 8 provisions, with the concept of indirect expropriation, a company could choose to sue the government for having taken a decision in the best interest of its population, hypothetically.
Perhaps that's something you could comment on for the committee later on. I only have seven minutes, and the chair is pretty severe and strict in imposing those limits. Thank you.
I'd like to move on to the labour cooperation side agreement. I'm looking at article 20 in the agreement. Mr. Bouchard and I have had a number of exchanges on the issue of Colombia. I'm not suggesting that Peru is as egregiously bad as Colombia, with the absolutely appalling murder of trade unionists there. But within the labour cooperation agreement, can you confirm that there's the same mechanism, where the Peruvian government would pay a fine to itself in the event there were systematic violations of labour standards?