Thank you. Those are excellent questions.
I'll respond first to the second one you addressed to me, which is on the importance of a rules-based system. Canada, as a middle-sized country, is subject to the whims of larger countries in changing the environment on us and providing preferential treatment to their own companies and to other countries.
If we have a rules-based system, then we're in a much more advantageous position. We're in a position whereby Canadian companies can go in and know that if they make investments, if they hire more Canadian workers to build the products and services they wish to sell in these other countries, the environment they walk into is one that is going to be maintained, that is fair, and that's negotiated. As you know, in some countries, transparency and rules do not always make it to the top of the list.
Thank you for the second question on CSR and Canadian companies leading by example. I think it's very important to note that Canadian companies are in fact world leaders in CSR. We have a large number of examples of Canadian companies that have stepped up and are doing things that other countries and other companies are striving to emulate.
If we may, we'll give you one concrete example from Peru. I'll ask Ryan to do that.