Our budget for the total commerce is about $180 million. That would all be around that promotion publicity, so I would have to take it back from there a long way. That's why I'll have to segregate it for you.
Going back to that one question on tracking NGOs, if you look at where we're looking for free trade agreements and using your example of Colombia, we have a very large development program focused on peace and security programming activities. We have global peace and security funds. We have CIDA funds. We have many different issues to try to promote both prosperity and human rights.
Back to “buy American”, Minister Day and Ambassador Wilson are both actively engaged in this. You're correct, the conference between the House and the Senate now has to happen. We're taking a look at the results, what it's going to look like when it's signed by the President and what the impacts will be sector by sector, if any. In some areas we're not sure there will be a large impact. In others I think Ambassador Wilson and Minister Day have been at the forefront of fighting for Canadian issues here.
All of these deserve a lot more.