Mr. Chairman, members of the standing committee, thank you for this opportunity to speak on the events that took place in Bagua, Peru, on June 5 and 6 that caused the death of 24 policemen and 10 civilians. This is in connection to the concern of the standing committee on the said events.
At the outset, allow me to present a clear and concise explanation of the background of the events together with the actions my government is implementing in order to restore peace and the rule of law in the region affected by this recent surge of violence, as well as to address the concerns and aspirations of our fellow countrymen in the Amazon region.
The background is that, at the end of June 2008, the government enacted legislative decree 1090, a forest and wildlife law, under special powers provided by Congress. This law met the opposition of the native inhabitants of the Amazonian region. After a negotiation process in which the mentioned native people were represented by the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Rainforest--AIDESEP, for its acronym in Spanish--the Peruvian Congress approved law 29317 in January 2009. This reflected the proposal presented by AIDESEP and the views of other organizations in order to modify legislative decree 1090.
Nevertheless, AIDESEP continued to demand the repeal of legislative decree 1090 and law 29317. Initially, this organization asked Congress for a repealing of those laws. At the same time, AIDESEP started a series of demonstrations in different zones of the country, including the province of Bagua, interrupting the provision of basic services as well as food transportation to and from that area.
On May 20, 2009, the government established a multi-sector standing committee, chaired by the president of the cabinet ministers, and comprising nine ministers, seven representatives of AIDESEP, and three other members of civil organizations. The multi-sector standing committee, which was installed on May 26, could only hold two sessions, since the process was interrupted on June 1, when the representatives of AIDESEP decided to withdraw from the dialogue.
Without waiting for a solution to their demands under the legal procedure, which was running in parallel, AIDESEP radicalized its demonstrations. This compelled the government to declare the state of emergency in early May. However, it was not until June 5, when the situation worsened, that the national police were given instructions to take measures in order to restore public order and guarantee the safety of the population of Bagua. By this time the seizing of roads, public services, and private installations had entered its 55th day.
My government rejects the allegations that it has used force in a disproportionate way, causing a high number of injured and dead among the civilian population. It also denies that there have been human rights violations. The majority of casualties, as I have mentioned, were agents of the national police, who received orders to act with extreme tolerance toward the protesters. The Peruvian forces, as is usual in any democratic state, have behaved in accordance with international standards of respect of human rights.
In the wake of the events of Bagua, the public prosecutor's office of Peru has initiated a thorough investigation in order to establish responsibilities with due respect to the citizens' rights embodied in the Peruvian Constitution and with due observance of the rule of law as it is characteristic of a democracy.
As an expression of openness and good faith, the Government of Peru requested the participation of the Catholic and evangelical churches so that they could contribute to finding new avenues of dialogue with the native population. The Government of Peru believes that dialogue is the only path for addressing the concerns of the indigenous people.
The Peruvian Parliament has also responded constructively in order to enforce peace, confidence, and harmony in the Amazon region. Thus, Congress has suspended the application of legislative decree 1090 to allow for its full review. By the same token, the multi-sector standing committee has been broadened to enhance representation of the indigenous communities, with 10 representatives out of 19.
Yesterday the Peruvian executive announced that the draft to repeal legislative decree 1090 would be presented in Congress before June 18. That's tomorrow. This proposal was put forward by the President of the Cabinet Ministers, Yehude Simon, and the Minister of the Environment, Antonio Brack. They are currently in the Amazon region engaged in talks and dialogue with the native communities to find a lasting solution to their claims and to address their concerns regarding legislation aimed at preserving their rights on the land.
As a result of the above-mentioned talks, an act of understanding has been signed with the representatives of the central Amazon region. The government has assumed the commitment to repeal legislative decrees 1090 and 1064. The state of emergency in the Amazon region will be lifted once the roadblock of the Fernando Belaúnde Highway is ended.
The United Nations special rapporteur on the situation of human rights and the fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, Professor James Anaya, has accepted an invitation from the Government of Peru to visit the country. He will be in Peru between today and June 19. This is another expression of goodwill and the engagement of the Peruvian authorities with the international community in aiming to promote respect for the human rights of indigenous people.
In another positive development, yesterday the Peruvian Congress approved unanimously the creation of a multi-party commission charged with inquiring into the events in Bagua within 120 days. Congress's Speaker, Mr. Javier Velásquez Quesquén, has announced that on Thursday the legislature will decide on the five members of the commission, which will integrate congressmen of both the government party and the opposition.
Members of the standing committee, one cannot deny that the problems of our indigenous people in the Americas, including Canada, have their roots in centuries of misunderstanding. It is documented that in the past, native Americans across the continent were subject to abuses and were deprived of their basic human rights. This has caused a tragedy for our continent. Peru is one of the more ethnically diverse countries in the hemisphere. Therefore, it is in our interest to respect the rights of all our communities, particularly the indigenous people who inhabited our territory even before the arrival of Europeans.
As a sign of our commitment on this issue, the Peruvian state has subscribed to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Fortunately, today we and all Peruvians have a better awareness of the need to preserve the rights of our native communities. At the same time, we have to take into account the needs of all 28 million Peruvians who are eager to have suitable conditions for sustainable development, for preserving our environment, and for decreasing poverty.
It is worth mentioning that the above philosophy is enshrined in the free trade agreement Canada approved. As expressed by Mrs. Carol Nelder-Corvari, chief negotiator for Canada, in her opening statement before this committee, “This free trade agreement also includes new provisions on trade-related cooperation and commitments to support corporate social responsibility and prevent corruption.”
This commitment complements Canada's broader efforts, which include cooperation in helping local communities to get a better grasp of the risks and opportunities of extractive industries, thereby helping to mitigate social conflict. In short, the implementation of a free trade agreement will be a significant contribution from Canada. It will help the Peruvian democratic authorities to improve governance related to sustainable development of the lands by indigenous people. Canada maintains a constructive approach towards an inherent problem. The sooner we start to implement the free trade agreement, the sooner we will be able to put into practice projects that benefit the Peruvian people as a whole and our indigenous communities in particular.
Finally, though the events of last June 5 and June 6 led to the tragic deaths of fellow Peruvians, the claims that put the death toll in numbers significantly higher are groundless and unacceptable. To counter irresponsible speculation, it is important to bear in mind that Peru's ombudsman, the prosecutor's office, and the Red Cross, all institutions widely respected in the country and abroad, have put the death toll at 34—24 policemen and 10 civilians. The Peruvian police lost a disproportionate number of agents. Therefore, no reliable data support the claim that the Peruvian police participated in human rights abuses. The Peruvian government deeply regrets the loss of life of our fellow countrymen, which the nation mourns.
As for respect for human rights and the defence of democracy, values that Peru and Canada share in the hemisphere, we have to be clear in stating that there is no justification whatsoever for attacking or, even worse, killing a policeman. No state, not even the most liberal democracy in the world, could tolerate the abhorent violation of human rights that resulted in the deaths of seven servicemen charged with preserving the rule of law. A strong respect for democracy in the Americas cannot be viable without due consideration of its police.
I call upon the distinguished Canadian members of Parliament to analyze with objectivity the events that took place in my country. The empirical evidence shows unequivocally that this is the worst disaster the Peruvian police have ever suffered. There is no record in Peru's history of a similar event in which so many defenders of the law lost their lives, some of them even suffering terrible torture and humiliation before being slaughtered in cold blood by the crowd.
Thank you.