Mr. Chair, there's faint hope of that.
Thank you very much, Mr. Ambassador, for being here today.
I think all of us around the table express our profound condolences to the Peruvian people for the lives that have been lost--police officers, civilians, and their families. It is a tragic situation.
My party has raised concerns about the impacts of the these so-called free trade agreements. I think there are very clear issues here about how the U.S.-Peruvian agreement can be properly constituted to ensure that indigenous people, aboriginal people, are included in the kind of economic development all of us around the table want to see.
You mentioned that the suspension has taken place on legislative decree 1090. I believe for legislative decree 1064 there was a suspension as well, and 1080 was the other decree that raised concerns. You may want to qualify that third decree. If they are repealed, which will allow for negotiation and reconciliation with indigenous people, will that mean the U.S.-Peru agreement cannot be implemented as the President of Peru set out?