Mr. Chairman, in terms of market access improvements for our exporters, we're certainly looking at significant concessions on the part of both the major developed and the developing countries in the areas of grains and of oilseeds and of the pork and beef industries as well. We're looking for significant tariff cuts affecting these products or expansion of TRQs. What is on the table would indeed provide us with some significant gains for some of these commodities.
In terms of our defensive interests, these are clearly delineated. They are essentially about supply managed products, and on these our position remains, as it always has throughout negotiations, that we don't accept making concessions in these areas.
We have these offensive and defensive interests, like anybody else. So far we've been fairly successful in bringing forward some proposals on market access that would serve our interests. In terms of tariff cuts or TRQ expansions in Europe in particular, as well as in Japan, these would be significant improvements for our exporters.