Absolutely not. It leads to stable prices, where the farmers are getting a consistent and fair share from the marketplace.
When we look at the share of the food dollar, the farmer's share of the food dollar has been going down and down and down over time. That's noticed less in the supply-managed sectors. There have been lots of studies and numbers generated that show Canadian consumers enjoy great benefits from Canada's supply-managed systems. We see the pain internationally now with the pictures in the papers of dairy producers in other countries out dumping milk. It's very painful to watch that happen. We have to thank our lucky stars that Canadians were smarter.
The G8 and G20 countries congratulated Canada on the international stage for developing in a different way so our banking sector is more stable. It's exactly the same with the supply management and orderly marketing systems and the Canadian Wheat Board. It's more stable and recognized as something that other countries envy. It's not something we should give up.