Absolutely. We've been clear on that.
You compared it to sumo wrestling. I've had the opportunity to be at a live sumo training session--not for me, of course--and one thing that was explained to me was that at any time the sumo wrestler can step out of the ring, and the match is over. If it came to that.... I hate to think we would get to a place where we would not be able to negotiate around this, but I've been involved in a number of discussions related to supply management in other countries and in other multilateral situations, and when the topic comes up everybody kind of shrugs, sometimes reluctantly, and they say, “Well, we know Canada's position on that one.” So the discussion is usually two to three seconds. We've been very clear on this.
We've been equally clear in relation to the Wheat Board. We've said we respect what might be tabled or might be suggested in Geneva, but we make decisions on the Canadian Wheat Board. We'll make decisions around this table. We'll make decisions in Parliament. And we've been very clear on that.
That's two, but on your third one, I'm still not clear. It was supply management, Wheat Board, and--