That would be helpful. Those communications could be forwarded to our committee, and that would help support your industry.
Mr. Simpson, as the owner of a first-generation family business, I salute the owner of a third-generation one. That's what's great about Canada—the sense of pride you can have. When I called you a capitalist with a heart, I was also going to call you the prince of pulse. I believe you are an effective ambassador for your industry across the world.
You talked about the access you have to 70 markets worldwide. I was quite struck by that. I guess there's a yin-yang effect with respect to what would happen if we don't sign this agreement. We know the United States has to resolve some problems with Colombia, just as we do. But we are directing ourselves, certainly the government is, to put this free trade deal forward, to move it along. What would happen if the United States was to put their agreement in ahead of ours?