Thank you very much.
Again, thank you, guests, for your thoughtful comments; extremely helpful.
I've reflected on everything that everyone has said. Fundamentally, irrespective of some ideologies, let me say that I believe that all of us, whatever way we define it, want to do the right thing--whatever way we define that. We can argue or debate on degrees of right.
I guess I'd like to leave you with a thought, and it goes back to something Mr. Stewart-Patterson said: this helps the people of Colombia. Violence has dropped and education has increased.
Frankly, it strikes me that we can take one of two options. What's the alternative here? We can either shun them and say, you know, as far as we're concerned, we're going to put them over there until they “get it”. But I think that sense of isolationism is dangerous for them. I think that makes it worse for human rights and for raising the standards and quality of living in that country.
But I would also bring it home. I mean, if we care about our farmers, if we care about our miners, if we care about our workers here in this country relative to this global recession, if we care about trying to do the best thing that's right for Canada as well, this just seems so obvious. I hope we ultimately figure that out. I don't know what I would say to my voters and what anyone else would say to their voters if we didn't say we cared.
I guess that wasn't a question. It was just a statement.
Thank you for your time.