We haven't conducted studies. I can talk to you about my experience in a specific area such as Norte del Cauca. If you ask me whether there's been improvement, there haven't been any improvements in the area in which we are.
I started working with them in 1996 on the process of prior consultations and the requirement for informed consent. The first consultations were carried out without any problems. Now there are all sorts of difficulties.
Never in the past, while prior consultations were being carried out, had the leaders been threatened. They actually argued that they have to be consulted. They need to know the impact and the benefits. Never before when these questions were raised had we been threatened.
To apply community rights in these areas is much more difficult. I believe what we're saying is that it's not that trade itself will begin today or tomorrow with the approval of this agreement. But as long as our communities weren't involved in the process, then we won't have sufficient guarantees that impacts will be managed appropriately.
In 2001, when the mining code was amended with the support of the Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, they did not foresee the impact this could have. Proof of this is the fact that mining deeds have been issued without prior consultations. When we make claims that this is a right afforded to our communities, the paramilitaries threaten us.
Regarding prior consultations, we don't have problems only with the paramilitaries or the Colombian government. We also have to deal with the guerrillas. In several parts of the country, they do not allow prior consultations. So when we claim these rights, we are completely alone. We face danger from all sides. We have no protection from the state, and the other side threatens us.
Companies, for all their agreements on corporate social responsibility, don't do anything about it. They take advantage of all sorts of legal technicalities so that our rights to consultation and to know about positive and negative impacts go for nothing.