There was no judgment on the case but several factors indicate that he was the victim of an extrajudicial execution. However the Columbian army claimed that he was a guerrilla member who died during fighting. He disappeared right after a meeting of FEDEAGROMISBOL where there was a discussion about the association's position on foreign investment. On pages 32 and 33 of our report, you will find the details of the attacks against FEDEAGROMISBOL members. The president of FEDEAGROMISBOL, Teofilo Acuña, who was interviewed over the course of our study, had to leave the region because he feared for his safety. He himself was illegally arrested by the Columbian army in April 2007. These are two examples amongst a multitude of attacks and threats against FEDEAGROMISBOL members and leaders.
There is one particularly worrying aspect to these attacks. In Águilas Negras's threats, FEDEAGROMISBOL's opposition to investments or the presence of transnational companies is given as one of the reasons why its members are military targets, as expressed by Águilas Negras members. This is a particular concern for us.
Also, during interactions with Columbian army troops, comments were made by troop members to the effect that the Columbian army's work is to allow the presence of these companies. These are comments that were made by members of the Columbian army troops. That is a particular concern in that it leaves some doubt about the ability or even interest on the part of the Columbian state to protect rights and to impartially assess the rights and obligations of investors and local communities, etc.