I want to continue. Your report is excellent, and certainly all members of this committee should read through it.
The point that you make, I think, is made in the executive summary very effectively:
Colombia continues to suffer widespread human rights abuses, including extrajudicial executions, disappearances, extortion, and threats.
We have also learned in the most recent report from a couple of weeks ago about regular torture done by the Colombian regime.
You also note in the executive summary:
Striking correlations have been observed between where investment--both domestic and foreign--takes place and rights abuses, ranging from murder and massacres and related massive land and property theft to violations of the rights to freedom of movement and to a healthy environment. Human rights violations are linked to efforts by those behind Colombia's murderous paramilitaries to create conditions for investment from which they are positioned to benefit.
So you are very clearly signalling that the problem here is not a direct correlation, necessarily, between Canadian companies and the brutal attacks and violence and theft of land of poor Colombians, but that in a sense the paramilitary gangs that are linked to the regime are land laundering.
Is that not true, that essentially what they're doing is taking the land--