Well, I appreciate it.
Especially while we're talking about shipbuilding here this morning, I think we would be remiss not to recognize the good work of the sailors and the skipper of the Leonard J. Cowley, who rescued a skipper, 20 seamen, and international fishery observers off the Grand Banks the day before yesterday.
I would like to say for the record, Mr. Chair, that I find reprehensible some of the comments made by some of the NDP members of Parliament on this particular issue. I'll take that up at the fisheries committee after this.
To the minister directly, I think one of the issues that have really been in flux here and that we do need a clear answer on, quite frankly, is the application to the shipbuilding industry of how the structured financing facility and the accelerated capital cost allowance work together. I think that is really the nub of what we've been trying to grapple with here.
The issue that continually is missed by the opposition here is the fact that if we had both vehicles available, some private industry companies actually would be at a disadvantage. They may not be in a position to accept the accelerated capital cost allowance, but they would be in a position to accept the structured financing facility. So what you would do is actually make winners and losers because some companies, some owner-operators, wouldn't be able to access both. Is that correct?