No, I don't think we can talk about a protectionist mood on our side, honestly. I think if there's a place in the world where we do believe in international trade and in openness, it's the European Union.
It doesn't mean that in certain specific areas we might not be more open than we are, and I can respect some criticism in certain areas, specifically in the area of agriculture. In certain topics in agriculture I think that's a fact, and it's something we are working on. It is based more on our own history and the way the whole common agricultural policy was shaped. It's not that easy to transform it. If that were to be designed today, it would be completely different, but you don't change that in one night.
But I wouldn't call Europe protectionist, and I wouldn't say at all that we are in a protectionist mood. There's not a “buy European” act; there never would be, and it would be unthinkable to have it approved.