I referred to the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership. It was a well-known fact that many issues regarding comparable regulations in the two countries were being negotiated. People often feared that there could be a general lowering of regulatory standards as a result. For example, we know that under chapter 11, Dow AgroSciences is suing Quebec with respect to a specific product, 2,4D, which is a powerful herbicide. Quebec has banned this herbicide under its regulations.
The issue here is our relationship with the United States, NAFTA, chapter 11, and so on. In the past, Mr. Obama said that he wanted to re-negotiate NAFTA. What is the department's position regarding the legal action taken under chapter 11 of NAFTA, something that is also happening to a greater or lesser extent with the other agreements we have signed with the United States? Does the department think it can reach an agreement with the United States to put a stop to all these legal actions taken under chapter 11?