Wonderful. Thank you very much.
I appreciated very much also, sir, your comments when you said we need to facilitate and improve better services when crossing the border, and a new policy with respect to our border staff. I think you were being very kind and very polite, but certainly very firm.
I'll speak from my own first-hand personal experience. As much as I will be constructively critical with respect to coming back into Canada and the way you are questioned, which I find very unacceptable, I will also say.... And this is just a reflection of the comments that you also made, Ms. George, on a co-managed border: it's a wonderful idea, but I'm sure you'll agree it's a two-way street.
We do have hassles. I remember a former colleague, a member of Parliament, with a delegation going down to visit U.S. representatives in Washington, and boy, was he given a hard time because he was born.... I'm not going to name the country; I'm not going to name his ethnicity. But it's a two-way street.
Do you think there's room where they're going to listen? Sometimes we have a mentality there, a block there, that is just so paranoid, for lack of a better word. Have we made progress, in your view, from their side? Because we get comments that things happen there, which we appreciate and understand, but sometimes we're blamed for things that we really are not to be blamed for. How can we overcome it? You referred to Minister Napolitano as well. Again, it's a different mentality from our predecessors. How is that going to blend in?